Tuesday 14 August 2012

Gig 5, Room 94, Corporation, Sheffield.

Entry Five

Foreword (Sounds fancy, huh?)

Hello to my readers! (Yes, that includes you!) I would like to start off with something that might surprise, annoy, disappoint, or enlighten you, depending how much of these things you've read.

I shan't be writing anything negative about this gig, simply because there is nothing negative to say about it!

Many people tell me, or message me, they like my blogs because of how I always have something bad to say about something, and they laugh at my negativity and bitterness. But anyway, this should be a pleasant read. (I've also added a bit of colour for emphasis, I think it makes it look nicer!) Feel free to leave feedback, (@ARKWalton, Adam Robert Kurt Walton, or just on the comments below). Enjoy!

The Corporation, Sheffield, 12th August 2012

This was Secret Romance's 5th gig. We supported Room 94. Other acts included "Burn So Bright", "The Famous Class", and "Disclosure".

So, I had a really busy weekend. I started to really look forward to the gig on Thursday, I think, but then very much so on Saturday night. I had a really tiring Saturday, which involved catching a wrong bus into a scary place with scary people, and practically begging Adam Elliot (Rhythm Guitarist) to pick me up, (due to the wrong bus, I was going to be late to our pre-gig practice).

We arrived at band practice in Sheffield, and to be quite honest, I felt as if I was too tired to even pick up my guitar. However, playing music is very energizing, so within 5 minutes I was practically bouncing around. We have two new songs to our set list, and had to sacrifice two covers, (my two favourite covers we play), Teenage Kicks, and Song 2. One of the new songs, written by Kriss Stainton (Bassist/Backing Vocals), was to be our new opener, due to its fantastic energy. The second song, written by Adam Elliot, is a slower, sadder song, called "Just A Boy". They wrote these while I was on holiday, and very kindly left spaces in the songs for guitar solos! (I actually put 3 in the opener. That's why I love it so.) We went through the set about 3 times, the third time we stopped halfway through due to Cameron's hands (drummer) hurting, and we were all tired, and so we decided to save the energy for the gig. My ears were buzzing that night.

Anyway, this time, we only had to be at the venue for 4:30, an hour and a half before the doors opened. (We were due on at 6:10) This is good, because, as you've (hopefully) read in my previous entries, the 3+ hour waits get very restless at times.

I restringed my V guitar (successfully, for once!) and one string of my Eclipse guitar. (Using Ernie Ball "Skinny Top, Heavy Bottoms", awesome for shredding on.) I wore my Download 2012 shirt, (sleeves rolled up so it passed as a vest,) black skinny jeans, my custom "ARK Converse", (sounds fancy also, huh?) 4 necklaces, 5 "punky" bracelets, and my crazy spiked up hair!

I got to the venue, and there were people already queuing up outside, (about 20), so I thought "wow! We might actually be playing in front of some people!" (Okay, one little thing, I suppose; we were put first on the line-up, after selling lots of tickets; we were lead to believe we'd be further up the line-up, usually meaning a bigger audience, but this is pre-gig negativity! That's the last of it, promise.)

I took my equipment, (which included my new amp, (literally new, about 5 days old), which reaches 120 watts. (Sure beats my old 15 watts!) I have had many sound/volume issues at past gigs, so I figured a louder... MUCH louder amp would put a stop to that,) inside, and greeted my band mates. Adam Elliot had brough a box of cider, so I took one, (which later he complained to us for not bringing our own), and just relaxed. Took my guitar everywhere with me, claiming "it's part of me, like a limb!" No one argued.

We received our very cool "VIP" necklaces, and walked around a bit, checked outside to make sure our "crowd" hadn't disappeared.

And guess what we got this time...?

A proper sound check! Woo!

It was a really fun one too! I really couldn't wait to play some loud music, so the sound check was like a "small dosage" for me! We did a line check first, (playing individually).

I personally love the line check. Why? Because I get a few minutes to show off in front of the other bands! Kriss played a bass line, then sung into a microphone. Then Adam Elliot played chords for 2-3 minutes.

"Other guitar!"

So I turned my volume up, and just shredded for about two minutes.

When I stopped, my band were laughing at me and called me a show off. Me? A show-off?

Then we played through our opening song, and wow, don't want to sound arrogant, but it was the best song in the world.

Haha, not quite, but it was so energetic, it was a great warm up for when we were due on stage in 30 minutes time!

The sound guy, (who I complained about in my blog about our first Corporation gig), was really good. He asked us who we wanted to hear out of which monitors. I asked to hear myself, vocals, and drums. I kept saying "a liiiiitle louder, please!" For my guitar. My band were laughing at me, saying I was too picky. But I just want to finally be able to hear myself and what I'm playing, and the sound levels were eventually perfect, (for us and the crowd, I later found out!)

We went backstage again, (which didn't smell too bad this time, which is good!) and just relaxed a little more, and then it was time to take to the stage! The crowd had entered, and there were about 150-200 people, barely a single male! My dad quickly handed me my bracelets that I left at home, and I walked up the stairs to the stage, quickly put them on, plugged in, and looked at our crowd. "Woah." I could tell it was going to be fun!

The new song opens with Kriss on the bass, followed by a beat from Cameron, then Adam Elliot on the guitar, and then a big build up, where I join in with the loud main riff!

The crowd, at first sight seemed to just be looking at us as if thinking "Who are these jokers?" But I carried on, we were getting energized, and jumping about a lot. I played my solos really well, (I ran to the front of the stage to play these, for every song, my guitar almost in reaching distance from the audience.) We finished the song, and to my, or our, surprise, the room erupted with screams and cheers! It was almost deafening!

Psychoville time! Again, we performed with the same energy, fast solo, everyone clapping along, loved it!

(I'll not mention some songs, due to not having much to write about them except "We played it really well, lots of jumping, craziness, fast soloing," )

It got to "Just A Boy", and at practices, this is usually my favourite song to solo to. I usually have about 40 seconds to play over these "emotional" chords, and I play it with feeling! Unfortunately, Cameron finished my solo with a drum fill, and Adam was already playing the next bit, earlier than usual. But I still made up for that time at the end on the last chorus, soloing over Andy's vocals.

(Andy's vocals have improved greatly, apparently, too, which is really good, because he always had a unique voice, and now he can control it better; we can rule this world!)

So, what's next? So much happened, I'm still buzzing from it!

Oh yes, time to switch to my V guitar! Plugged it in, turned it up a little, (technical reasons, not because I'm stubborn.) Viva La Revolution time.

Now, this was weird, but awesome. I don't know if it was a coincidence, or if some Greater Power was with us that night...

The song goes, basically, Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Outro. At the end of Chorus 2, it sounds like we've finished the song, we finish on the G chord. The crowd cheered, but then what we do, is play "F" then start a fast "palm-muting" riff, on D. (Think "One", by Metallica, the "heavy riff".) (In English; for none-musicians, it's fastdirty, and heavy.)

Anyway, this is what I still can't grasp.

After everyone cheered, and we then started the next part of the song, the lights changed from (I don't know, let's say red, none-flashing), to flashy, white lights. They flashed to the beat, as fast as Cameron's double bass drum, perfectly!

 H...How? It was bloody cool!

Anyway, then we played Vanity. On the solo I dropped my pick, which was actually really funny. The girls in front of me were laughing at me, and I was laughing too, playing the solo with my fingers, whilst bending down looking for the pick.

Fight For Your Right was next, our only cover of the evening. Played it really well, but what came next was really cool.

The song, technically, finished. However, I was so full of adrenaline, I carried on shredding! Like at line-check, I just carried on for about 20 seconds. My band, again, were laughing at me, the crowd staring at me, then I finished with a chord, and everyone screamed! Best feeling in the world!

Adam Elliot then joked in his microphone; "he likes playing guitar a bit, doesn't he? I'm better though!" People were laughing, I was saying; "Yeah, he really is!"

Whilst at the microphone, and buzzing with energy, I decided to do what I've always wanted to do.


Everyone I could see put their hands up and screamed.


To my complete surprise, a big circle of empty space formed!

I had a 'pit'!

I laughed, and started the last song "Last Stand", and at the most we had about 4-5 girls in the circle pit, which isn't many at all, but it was still a really cool moment for me. (And for the rest of the band, I think/hope!)

We finished, and I just wanted to play another song, but we couldn't, so we thanked the fantastic audience, and packed up. I went backstage to put my stuff down. A guitarist from another band (The Famous Class) was telling me "how good I was" and stuff like that. He was a really nice guy, I really appreciated it.

I went back into the audience, and people started talking to me! Lots of people! It was really cool, and I loved every minute of it.

Some girls wanted photos with me, and some asked me to sign their arms! A night of small fame, and hopefully many more to follow!

Burn So Bright

These had a female singer, and they were really good. Good melodies, played a Paramore cover, and the crowd seemed to enjoy them. The girl was really nice, too, I spoke to her after for a minute, telling her she did well.

The Famous Class

I wanted to listen to these, mainly, because of their lead guitarist, who complimented me earlier. At first, the band started with simple chords, very pop-punky. Then the guitarist did a solo, and I was amazed, he was fantastic. Sweep picking, tapping, all the complex stuff. These are a great band!


These have their own tour bus, which is cool. They also have a female singer, who wore leather trousers. They were good, and I even joined a mini-circle pit during their set!

Room 94

I was restless by this point, I just wanted to talk to everyone in the entire room. However, I watched most of their set, clapped along etc. Afterall, they gave us this fantastic opportunity. The girls absolutely love these guys! Screaming very loud, singing along, reaching for the band members, trying to catch guitar picks. They are quite a popular band, and I think they'll go further!

I stayed for an hour after the show had finished. All the girls who stayed went round asking for photos with all band members, and for hugs, and signings. It was fun!

So, an end to a pretty perfect night. I'd like to thank everyone who came, and a big thanks to Room 94 and the other bands!

I would also like to thank:

Lexy Hulme: It was Lexy's birthday, I even gave her a birthday shoutout on stage. She brought a poster with "Secret Romance" on it. Thanks for being our first, and best, dedicated fan!

Laura Sullivan: Laura brought Lexy, and she was a very cool girl. Glad to have met her! All the way from Hull!

Robynn Gilder: "Exotic and hot!" (She forced me to call her this, honest.) Robynn was our first ever Circle Pit Veteran. A very cool rock n' roll fan, her friends telling me she "fancied" me, how childish?! Haha! All the way from Wales; glad to have met you! "I'll try to be positive, but I doubt it'll work!" -Made me laugh so hard!

Jessica Bedda: Spoke to Jessica a bit after the show, and during one of the bands, I got her doing the Maccarena with me! Thanks for coming!

Megan Lindop: Friends with Jessica, also did the Maccarena, at speed, to one of the bands! Very cool! Thanks for coming Megan!

And to anyone who enjoyed our show, and everyone who complimented my guitar playing skills! It's appreciated greatly!

(Photos to follow later, all of them are already on my Facebook.)

Thanks for reading!

Hope to see you at our next gig!

Adam Walton.


Hello again, a few professional pictures taken from Malcom White Photography on the link below of the gig. Enjoy! http://www.mrwhitephoto.co.uk/s/?album=21&gallery=173
(I saw him at the side of the stage pointing a camera at me, and I felt so rock 'n roll holding up my rock hands and pulling a face at him, to pose for a photo, and it's up there now!)

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